Called by Name

Traveling Crucifix sign-up

Our STM parish is developing a strong culture for religious vocations and we need all of our parishioners’ support. We’ll be praying for the collection of names of young men and women who all of us see every day and believe they would have an interest in discerning if they have a vocation to the priesthood or avowed religious life. We are using the Traveling Crucifix to illuminate the awareness of this project and we appreciate your support by signing up for one of the Masses on the weekends of February 1st & 2nd or February 8th & 9th.

The honor to receive and to take home the Traveling Crucifix and to pray for this effort for the week you have the Crucifix at your home will be most rewarding for you and our parish.

You will be contacted after signing up to confirm your Mass and a reminder will be sent to you as well.

We ask that you please return the Crucifix in the box to the parish office by or before 12 noon on the next Friday so that the next week’s mass will have it available for the next person.

A prayer for vocations

I glorify you, God, in all that I do.
In mind, body, and spirit
I give my best to you.
Help me to follow your will
No matter the call: 
Sister, brother, or priest, 
I promise my all.
If you call me to marriage,
I promise to love 
And to teach my own children
To seek grace from above.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, 
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
Is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.
~ Serra International
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