School of Religion (SOR) and Sacramental Preparation
Catechesis for grade school children who do not attend Catholic school.

A note from Susan Duerr, SOR Coordinator
Our Sacrament Preparation materials for this year are from Ascension Press called Renewed and Received.
Please be aware that students wanting to receive their First Holy Communion will need to first receive Reconciliation.
Our program this year starts with preparation for Reconciliation and then Eucharist.
Parent involvement is critical since you are the first educators of your child and they will look to you as an example of how to live the faith.
The dates for First Reconciliation and First Communion have been set – see the schedule below.

 SOR meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:15-7:30PM in More Hall, from September through May. These sessions also have break-out opportunities for those preparing for Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation).
Circle of Grace
Click below for Information on the Circle of Grace safe environment offering on the Diocese of Kansas City-St. joseph website
Parental Involvement
Parents are welcome to attend sessions with their children, and are encouraged to make every effort to have their families regularly attend our sessions.