Faith in Action
As a cornerstone of our mission, Saint Thomas More parish is committed to working for social Justice in our community. This section of the site deals specifically with serving the poor and disadvantaged. To the right are the various ministries that fall within this category.
The Faith in Action Ministries at Saint Thomas More Parish serve to pass on our heritage of Catholic social teaching, foster diversity and racial harmony among all God’s people and raise awareness of unjust systems in society through programs, education, and action. They provide opportunities in which to share our faith with other cultures and walks of life, aid the marginalized in our society, work for changes in the systems which perpetuate injustices in our society and preserve and promote quality of life from conception to natural death through programs, sharing of material resources, education, and actions.

Get involved
- Contact Peggy
- use the contact information listed on each ministry page
See the parish event calendar (Faith in Action events are color coded. See legend at bottom.)
Faith in Action Ministry Team
This ministry team is primarily concerned with the ministries and activities listed in the Faith in Action section of this site.
We are sent into Saint Thomas More Parish to serve each individual as Christ himself, specifically:
- to pass on our heritage of Catholic social teaching;
- to foster diversity and racial harmony among all God’s people; and
- to raise awareness of unjust systems in society through programs, education, and action.
We are sent into the community at large to serve each individual as Christ himself, specifically:
- to share our faith with other cultures and walks of life;
- to aid the marginalized in our society;
- to work for changes in the systems which perpetuate injustices in our society; and
- to preserve and promote quality of life from conception to natural death through programs, sharing of material resources, education, and actions.