Community Outreach

Saint Thomas More parish, as part of our mission (see mission statement on this page), is committed to outreach to the surrounding community. This takes the form of parish programs and action groups and parish support of community outreach programs in the surrounding area. These are listed below.
Community LINC works directly with homeless families who participate in rigorous programs designed to enable them to live independently in their own homes or apartments. Volunteer opportunities exist in the areas of one-on-one tutoring, budget counseling, children’s tutoring, preparation of apartments for occupancy, and various fund-raising activities. For additional information see their website:
Community LINC
4012 Troost Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64110
Seton Center provides health, social and educational programs to address current needs and tools to support people in transforming their lives. Volunteer opportunities are available in the food pantry, tutoring, special projects and Christmas Baskets. Contact Andrew Ochs for further information on volunteering 816.581.4758 or parishioner Rita Tiehen who coordinates the Seton Center Action Group for STM. Ladies of Charity are regular volunteers there. Web site:
Seton Center
2816 E. 23rd Street
Kansas City, MO 64127

Contact/more info
If you would like to subscribe to the Starfish eblast list for periodic eblasts, send a request to [email protected].The Saint Thomas More Respect Life Group addresses issues that represent all the various aspects of the church’s “seamless garment” of pro-life advocacy.
The Respect Life Committee meets on the Second Wednesday of each month, September through May, at 5:30 pm, in the Huhmann Room in More Hall. All are welcome!
Uplift is a not for profit charity whose mission is to bring care and compassion to the homeless in KC, MO & KS. This is an entirely volunteer operated organization that takes hot meals and needed items of survival directly to these poor individuals three nights a week. STM supports Uplift in multiple ways; Julie Ungashick coordinates a hot meal program on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Cooks prepare a casserole at home and drop it off to More Hall where the food is cooked, consolidated, and taken to Uplift. Volunteer cooks should contact Julie to get involved.
See the project Uplift website
reStart works with individuals and families to prevent, navigate or end homelessness. Parishioners provide sack lunches each week which are delivered to reStart to help feed the people they serve.