Helping Hands of STM is a parish organization whose mission is to provide help with basic needs like raking leaves, painting, moving furniture, minor home repair, snow removal, or providing a meal for a family in crisis. Volunteers are in place. Contact Phil Paschang. Consult your parish directory for his phone number.
Stations of the Cross
The texts for the Stations are posted in the church, near each Station, to be prayed any time the church is open.
Eucharistic Adoration, Noon-9pm
Monday-Wednesday, April 3-5 Masses at 6:15am & 8:15am
Tuesday, April 4 Confessions, 5-6pm
No morning Masses
Confessions 5-6pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7pm LIVE STREAM*
Adoration after Mass until 10pm
No morning Masses
Seven Last Words of Jesus, Noon
Good Friday Service, 7pm LIVE STREAM*
No morning Mass; No 4pm Mass
No Confession times
RCIA Practice, 11am-Noon
Easter Vigil Service, 8pm LIVE STREAM*
Masses at 7:30am (recorded), 9am and 11am
No Eucharistic Adoration
*Mass Online Note
There will be times during the Triduum services that will not be visible to the camera; audio will keep running. The choir will also sing a few pieces that are not licensed for distribution, so will be silenced while the video continues. All who are able-bodied are encouraged to attend in person!
Parishioners are also encouraged to consult their parish Guidebook and Directory, which contains detailed ministry information and parishioner directory. Contact the parish office for more information.