St. Thomas More Music Ministry

Saint Thomas More Music Ministry

Leading our brothers and sisters in sung prayer

Gifted & called to serve?

Meeting God in Song

READ A bulletin series on our art of prayer

Cantor, accompanist & small ensembles

The ministry of the cantor is central to our music ministry. The cantor encourages and supports the participation of everyone in the Mass and proclaims the psalms, the Word of God. The cantor is a leader of sung prayer who loves God and neighbor by offering their gifts in a way that points to God.  

The ministry of instrumentalists and other singers.
At STM, the accompanist (pianist/organist) and any additional instrumentalists or singers partner with the cantor in their ministry, guided by the same values and intentions. Whatever the size of the ensemble, they orient their efforts to cultivate beauty as an opening to God and offer their songs as an invitation to prayer. 

The ministry of the assembly.
As music ministers, we dedicate ourselves to our art because we know that God uses that to bless those who worship with us. This is why we encourage the whole assembly to do the same. 

The Adult Choir

The ministry of the choir is to support the sung prayer of  God’s people and to add beauty, reverence and joy to our liturgies.
We serve at the 9am Sunday Mass most weekends, at the Saturday 4pm Mass every second full weekend of the month and various special Masses through the year. The choir season runs from just after Labor Day through Pentecost. 

The Children's Choir

Our Children’s Choir supports the sung prayer of  God’s people in a way that no other music ministry can. As students of our school, they offer the fruits of a major ministry of our parish back to the parish. And, being children, God works through them to open hearts and minister to all the children of God.

As of 8/5/24, the Children’s Choir is forming to include children 2nd-4th grade. They will be serving at 2nd Sunday 11am starting in October. Rehearsals Mondays after school 3:25-4:15PM. Contact Megan at [email protected] for more information or to volunteer to help.

Music ministers' resources

Musician schedules

The most up to date schedule is available to music minsters through our Ministry Scheduler

Music lists


Links to recordings

Links to publisher/youtube recordings 

Presiders schedule

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