Worship at St. Thomas More
Liturgical Ministries

There are many lay liturgical ministries that offer opportunities to offer one’s gifts to the worshiping community of Saint Thomas More. These are listed below with a description and, for those of you who have already come forward, schedules are posted.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these ministries, contact Sharon Arnett.
Altar Servers
These boys and girls from 4th grade and older, assist at the Sunday, STM School, and some 8:15 daily liturgies. Experienced servers also assist at funeral, wedding, and special events. Training is provided.
2023 Permission form for continuing servers
2023 New server training form
All parishioners are invited to sign up for an hour, beginning at Noon and concluding at 9PM on Sundays in the Church.
Altar Linen Care
Volunteers who work specifically with laundering linens for use during the Eucharist: pick up linens at church, launder them at home, then return them to church. Duties are on a rotation schedule every four to six weeks.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Sunday and weekday Eucharistic liturgies, as well as bring the Blessed Sacrament to nursing homes and shut-ins. Diocesan and parish training classes are required.
Lectors (Readers)
These ministers proclaim the Word of God at the liturgy. Through prayerful preparation, voice, attitude and physical bearing, the readers convey the dignity and sacredness of the Scripture readings. Diocesan and parish training classes are required.
Liturgical Art/Environment
These volunteers enhance and beautify the worship space of our church, especially for major feasts and seasons. Various duties include decorating, flower arranging and care, carpentry, and seasonal projects. Commit as much time as you wish from only Christmas and Easter to monthly duties.
Music Ministers
See the Music Ministry page
These volunteers set up the altar area before Mass by ensuring an adequate number of hosts and ministers, assisting at the altar if needed during Mass, and cleaning the sacred vessels after Mass. At least one year of Eucharistic Minister experience is required. Training is provided.
Ushers (Hospitality Ministers)
These volunteers are the first faces that people see when entering the worship space. They welcome all and take care of the comfort of churchgoers before, during and after Eucharistic celebrations. They assist in taking up the collection, ushering, handling out bulletins after the liturgy and “tidying up” the pews after services. Training is provided.